Monday, September 12, 2011

My nook

Nook noun \ˈnk\

1. chiefly Scottish : a right-angled corner
2. a : an interior angle formed by two meeting walls
b : a secluded or sheltered place or part nook and cranny>c : a small often recessed section of a larger room breakfast nook>

I'd say that all of these components of the definition more or less describe my room at school. It is, in fact, located in a right-angled corner of the kindergarten hallway, and it most certainly consists of an interior angle formed by two meeting walls. I would say that for the most part, it's a secluded or sheltered part of the school (it's shaped such that a good part of the room is not really visible to people outside the room), and at times, I'd describe it as a recessed section of the kindergarten hallway/room.

I spent a couple of solid hours making this described nook as homey as possible, and I'd say at this point, I'm mostly lacking a couple of things hanging from the ceiling to brighten up the room (I'm thinking some lanterns??).

Pretty much the entire length of the room

1 comment:

  1. I HAVE THE SAME RUG! (for 34 students, mind you). Missing you!
