Monday, July 25, 2011

A New Chapter

Today was the first day of new staff training at my placement school (where I'll start teaching in exactly 3 weeks!). It was phenomenal. I love the energy. I love the people. I love the facilities (although I realize that my actual school will not be as night). I love the structure. I love the fact that the co-CEOs take the time to get to know us by running the majority of the sessions, despite the fact that they've both got families and probably have places to be, people to see, educational reform to contribute to.

As is the case with any new setting, I came into this new staff training anxious (and it doesn't help that a few of us are living in the basement of a hotel in an abandoned...yet safe part of town). But all of that anxiety was dispelled by how awesome the people are. If only I knew what grade I'll be placed's frustrating to be kept in the dark! THE SUSPENSE IS DRIVING ME CRAZY.

Still, I don't think I could've asked for a better placement to help me with this transition into the real world. That they really prioritize human capital (i.e. our happiness) doesn't hurt either. Bottom line: I'm excited to be a part of an amazing network of individuals and can't wait to get in the classroom and hit the ground running!

1 comment:

  1. Are there no "after hours" for you in the hotel basement? =P
